Knowing what to expect will put to rest any anxiety if you're feeling it. Read on to know what to expect, what to wear and what to bring to your class. Following these suggestions will make your class more enjoyable and help you pass the Exam.
First and foremost here's what you must have to take the EXAM:
Valid Photo I.D. (MANDATORY)
Your ServSafe® Book WITH Official ServSafe® Scantron Answer Sheet (MANDATORY)
Punctuality - classes start at 9:30 AM. Be there by 9:25 AM!
Your receipt of payment for the class or your Purchase Order from your company manager.
If you are bringing a used book without a Scantron Sheet, please bring cash/card to purchase the Official ServSafe® Scantron Answer Sheet. They are mandatory and cost $49.50 per sheet with card or PayPal, $45.00 with cash or check.
Next, here are a few tips on what will make the class more enjoyable and fun:
Dress comfy, in layers, bring a jacket, sweater, hoodie or wrap. The temperature can vary greatly. You want to remain comfortable all day, dress casual!
Be well rested and ready to learn, this is a huge amount of information to absorb in one day, it can be tedious if you are tired. Get a good night's sleep......Sweet Dreams!
You must read the book BEFORE you come to class.
Please make sure you have your book and answer sheet with you at class time! The exam starts at 3:30 PM. The exam consists of 90 Questions (multiple choice). Most people finish within 1.25 hours, exam time limit is 2 hours, you must finish by 5:30PM.
Bring your Snacks, Candy, Gum, Drinks, etc. You can bring a bag or small cooler with your lunch. Sometimes there are places nearby the classroom, or a snack bar at most hotels, but don’t count on this unless you know the area. It’s best to bring your own lunch, if you are tardy for class, or late returning from lunch, we start without you.