Egg Recall

The Salmonella Braenderup outbreak, traced to Rose Acre Farms in North Carolina, and headquartered in Seymour, Indiana, resulted in a recall of over 206 million eggs and sickened over 35 people in 8 states. Inspectors reported “unacceptable rodent activity.”  How acceptable is any rodent activity?  The description of the level of infestation sounded as though the rats had taken over.  Workers were bypassing sanitation steps, and the building and equipment were dirty.  Listed among buyers from this facility were Walmart and Waffle House. The problem started several years ago.  Apparently, nothing effective was done about it.

Commenting on the report, Wenonah Hauter, executive director of Food & Water Watch, said, “This most recent Salmonella outbreak resulting in a massive recall is another example of how the ultra-consolidated factory farm system can have major consequences for food safety. That one facility can so quickly supply so many stores with tainted food shows that we need more regulation, not less, of our food supply. And repeated violations over the years show that the company continues to act recklessly where food safety protocols are concerned.”