Hepatitis A in Nashville
Officials with Metro Public Health have confirmed that 14 cases of Hepatitis A have been reported in Nashville since December 1, 2017. Outbreaks have been previously reported in Kentucky and in Indiana. Hep A is more commonly found among the homeless population, illicit drug users, and men who have sexual contact with men. However, it may be contracted through ingesting the virus from contaminated food or contact with contaminated objects. Preventive vaccine is available and Nashville officials are urging that all young children be vaccinated. For information about availability of vaccine check the following link: http://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/metro-public-health-dept-confirms-outbreak-of-hepatitis-a-in-nashville/1199380181
In developing or transitional countries, because of improved sanitation, numbers of children have escaped infection and thus immunity. According to The World Health Organization, outbreaks of Hep A in these communities reach higher intensity because more adults are susceptible. It's ironic that because of improved economic and sanitation conditions, the population may be in greater danger of a sustained outbreak.